Training program
Each block of the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Training will address the following three areas of learning:
In the Basic Training the emphasis will be on knowledge, in the Intermediate Training the emphasis will be on skills, and in the Advanced Training the emphasis will be on attitudes. However, knowledge, skills and attitudes will be part of every training block throughout the whole series of trainings. See the sections Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes for detailed descriptions of the training program.
Modes of learning
We will use different ways of teaching to support various learning styles: learning by doing, learning by experiencing, learning by understanding and learning by observing.
- Learning by doing — students will learn by facilitating (parts of) constellations for other students in the group, during the training. As a participant you are expected to sometimes bring real issues that will be used in the training for learning. The purpose of such constellation work is not to resolve the issues — although that might happen. Instead, the purpose is to enable students to learn.
- Learning by experiencing — students will learn by experiencing being a representative for key roles in constellations for a wide variety of issues. They will explore the field of many constellations by moving through all representative positions. They will experience different ways of working by the trainers on their own issues. They will further explore sensing in the field of a constellation, or in the field of a family. They will learn to recognize the effect of the field of a client on their own state of consciousness. They will also explore the effect of their own (conscious or unconscious) attitudes on clients.
- Learning by understanding — students will learn by understanding how the social and instinctual mechanisms that drive the behaviors in families and often cause so much suffering are actually protecting the survival chances of families. Such deep understanding of the mechanisms of pain, both in individual lives as in the history of a family, will enable the student to let go of a simplistic desire to help others and instead help clients to find meaning, growth, maturation and deepening of their existence in their suffering. Students will more and more acquire such a perspective of understanding when working with clients, such as for example, understanding the patterns of physical abuse, of addiction, of both victims and perpetrators.
- Learning by observing — students will learn by observing how the teachers work in their public family constellation workshops, and from their explanations after those workshops about their facilitation. They will also learn by observing when the teachers demonstrate their approach during the training. Further, they will learn by observing other students work.
The above learning modes are effective for acquiring skills and helpful to acquire attitudes. In addition, the students will acquire a lot of knowledge through the explanations and lectures of the teachers.
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