月額480円〜の高速レンタルサーバー ColorfulBox

When you miss days of the training

When a student misses training days, internship days, or exercise group meetings, and as a result does not satisfy the criterion of 23 days, then in order to get the certificate the student needs to do the following.

When you miss days from the three training blocks

  1.   If a student misses one day out of the nine training days in a year, then he or she may can still get a certificate depending on the assessment of his or her achievement by the trainers.
  2.   If a student misses an entire three-day block of the training, then, in order to get the certificate, the student will need to participate in the same block of a next run of this training, one or two years later. In that case the cost of this extra participation will be half the normal costs per block. No refund will be given for missed training days.
  3.   Also when a student misses two or three days of the nine training days in a year, then, in order to get the certificate, the student will need to participate in a block of a next run of this training. The trainers will then indicate which block that should be. In that case the fee for this extra participation will be half of the normal fee per block. No refund will be given for missed training days.
  4.   If a student misses four or more days of the nine training days in a year, then, in order to be able to get the certificate, the entire training needs to be repeated. This second time the student will need to participate again in all parts of the training, so also in the internship and exercise groups. The fee for this second participation will be half of the normal fee per year. No refund will be given for the first participation.

When you miss internship days

  1.   When a student misses one or more days from the six internship days in a one year training, then — if the student otherwise satisfies the requirements for a certificate — the student will need to participate in one or more additional public workshops given by the trainers, until six internship days have been completed.

When you miss exercise group meetings

  1.   For the training it is required that the exercise groups meet for at least 56 hours (equivalent to 8 days). The requirement for a certificate is, that each student participates in at least 42 hours (equivalent to 6 days) of these exercise group meeting. In other words, a student may miss up to 14 hours (2 days) of the exercise group meetings and will then still be able to get the certificate.
  2.   When a student misses more than 14 hours of the exercise group meetings there is only limited possibility to catch up these missed hours:
    • In case the student continues in a next training and then participates for more than 42 hours in the exercise groups of that training, then the extra hours in the next training can compensate for missed hours in the present training.
    • In case the student participated in a previous training and then participated for more than 42 hours in the exercise groups of that training, then the extra hours in the previous training can compensate for missed hours in the present training.
    • In case a student participates in all three trainings (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced), then extra hours in two other trainings can compensate for missed hours in the present training.
  3.   If the missed hours cannot be compensated, then the trainers will decide whether or not to give a certificate, based on the total performance of the student.

When a student is absent from an exercise group meeting, the possibility for the other students to exercise facilitating constellations becomes more limited. Therefore, students are urged to give high priority to attending these meetings, even when they themselves have already attained the required minimum number of hours.

Also, since the possibilities for compensating missed hours in exercise group meetings are limited, students should aim to be present in these meetings for all 56 hours, so that they may be able to compensate missed hours in other training levels.

home practical information missing days

Missing days