
Internship: participation in public workshops

The trainings include mandatory participation in at least six days of the trainers' public family constellation workshops per year. This participation is included in the fee for the training. The students can choose in which locations they want to participate.

The student cannot participate in only one day of a two day public workshop. He or she should always participate in the entire workshop, except in special circumstances, such as illness or unforeseen family events.

At the end of each workshop day, the trainers will have a meeting of about one hour with students only, to clarify the procedures that were followed, and to explain why they chose certain interventions and not other interventions. They will also answer any other questions the students may have. So this form of learning is like doing an internship. This will be an intensive form of learning.

This participation allows the student to be present as a witness and representative — it does not include working on their own issue. If students want to work on their issue in a workshop, then they will pay the normal fee that the trainers charge to workshop participants.

The trainers will come to Japan three times per year to give the trainings and to give public family constellation workshops in several cities in Japan. These public workshops will be announced on this website.

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