Seitai involves manipulation of joints, tendons and soft tissues in order to bring about a structural realignment of the body and its internal organs and to restore qi (気) energy flow. Its principle is to restore the proper skeletal frame by manipulating the soft tissue structures. This manipulation releases energetic blockages and tensions in the body, bringing a deep relaxation, and allowing the body to re-adjust itself.
Seitai is different from chiropractic as it never involves direct hands-on adjustments of the skeleton. For soft tissue relaxation,
Seitai uses methods different from massage, taking into account the entire muscle structure and origin/insertion of the muscle and pressing muscle fibers vertically. Seitai means to bring the body "back in order", back in a state in which the body’s innate ability to heal itself is restored.
Seitai focuses on the head and neck, hara (spine/pelvis) and the feet to bring about symmetry. All treatments re-align and re-balance the person from head to toe. This results in a restoration of symmetry, and a deep reduction in stress and strains.
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